Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 17-27 . Use a .toBack() method call in the gameButton code, and .toFront() method call in the other Button
Using Random Number Generators:
The java.util package contains programming utilities that you can use for your Java 8
games development, as you may have guessed from the package name. One of the
most important Java utilities for game programmers is the Random class, and its Ran-
dom() constructor method. This class can be used to create Random Number Gener-
ator objects, which generate random number (or boolean) values for use inside your
game programming logic. We will be using this class to generate both int (integer, for
random screen locations) and boolean (for “guess where the Enemy is coming from
next” functions) random values. These will make sure the game player cannot anticip-
ate the game by recognizing patterns during the game play. The Java 8 Random class
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