Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
You can then refine your collision polygon structure data point by data point, by
clicking and dragging these points with your mouse, as seen in Figure 17-23 . If you
compare the collision polygon in Figure 17-22 with the one in Figure 17-23 , you can
see I that have refined several of the data points to better conform to the outline of the
Enemy iBeagle ; // Object Declarations
go at top of class
Projectile iBullet , iCheese ;
private Image iB0, iB1, iB2, iB3, iB4, iB5, iB6, iB7,
iB8, iP0, iP1, iT0, iT1, iE0 , iC0 , iC1 ;
iE0 = new Image(" /enemy.png ", 70, 116, true, false,
true); // .loadImageAssets() Method
iC0 = new Image(" /bullet.png ", 64, 24, true, false,
iC1 = new Image(" /cheese.png ", 32, 29, true, false,
iBeagle = new Enemy("M0 6 L0 52 70 52 70 70 70 93 115 45
115 0 84 0 68 16 Z", 520 , 160 , iE0);
iBullet = new Projectile("M0 4 L0 16 64 16 64 4 Z", 8 ,
8 , iC0);
iCheese = new Projectile("M0 0 L0 32 29 32 29 0 Z", 96 ,
8 , iC1); // .createGameActors() Method
root.getChildren().add( iBeagle .spriteFrame);
root.getChildren().add( iBullet .spriteFrame);
Add Objects to JavaFX Scene Graph
root.getChildren().add( iCheese .spriteFrame);
castDirector.addCurrentCast(iPR0, iPH0, iPV0, iPB0, iTR0,
iTR1, iBeagle , iBullet , iCheese );
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