Game Development Reference
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Instead of just having a number on the right side of the UI Button bank (HBox), let's
add a Text label that says SCORE: to the front of the scoreText Text object. We will
create a scoreLabel Text object and use the same Font object that we created in the pre-
vious section to style that Text object. I am going to change the numeric part of the
score text to be blue, using the scoreText.setFill(Color.BLUE); Java state-
ment, and make the SCORE: label black, using the following Java code, which can also
be seen in Figure 17-7 :
scoreText .setFill ( Color.BLUE );
scoreLabel = new Text();
scoreLabel .setText (" SCORE: ");
scoreLabel .setLayoutY (385);
scoreLabel .setLayoutX (445);
scoreLabel .setFill ( Color.BLACK );
Figure 17-7 . Add the scoreLabel object instantiation and configuration method calls underneath the scoreText object
As you can see in Figure 17-8 , you need to remember to add this second scoreLabel
Text Node to the Scene Graph root object, which used to be a StackPane, but which is
now a Group object. This is done using a method chain, that you should be getting
quite familiar with by now: root.getChildren().add(scoreLabel); and
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