Game Development Reference
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Now we're ready to add the Java code that manages the CastingDirector object, to
remove the Actor object.
If Collision Detected: Manipulating the CastingDirect-
or Object
Add a line of code under the .playiSound0() method call, accessing the CastingDirector
object, invinciBagel.castDirector . Next type a period key, to access a method helper
pop-up, seen in Figure 16-33 , and select .addToRemovedActors() .
Figure 16-33 . Add a line of code under the .playiSound0() method call, and type invinciBagel.castDirector, and a
After you double-click on the .addToRemoveActors(Actor… actors) option in
this pop-up helper dialog, you will need to pass the Actor object, aptly named object ,
into the method call using the parameter list area inside of the parentheses, as shown
highlighted at the bottom of Figure 16-34 . This will add this Actor object that was just
involved in a collision (luckily, no one was hurt) to the REMOVED_ACTORS
HashSet<Actor> object.
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