Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
If you want to see the iPR1 and iPV1 objects temporarily removed from your .cre-
ateGameActors() as well as your .addGameActorNodes() and .createCastingDirec-
tion() methods, you can see this Java code commenting in place in Figures 16-25 and
16-26 . Next, let's copy and paste the SVG collision polygon data set that you created
earlier in the chapter. Open the iBshape1svg.txt file, shown in Figure 16-20 , and select
and copy the SVG data, using the Edit Copy menu sequence or CTRL-C keyboard
shortcut. Be sure to including the quotation marks. Paste the data in your Bagel() meth-
od in the .createGameActors() method where the dummy SVG data used to be, as
seen in Figure 16-24 .
Figure 16-25 . Create collision polygon SVG data for the iP0 fixed Actor props using a prop0.png image 32ยด72 res-
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