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Figure 15-3 . Close the current editing session, then Open the “left” file, noting its raw file size, for further optimiza-
The next thing that we will do is to go back and use the File Open menu se-
quence to open the left.wav file that contains only the segment of digital audio data
that we wish to optimize. This is seen in the middle of Figure 15-3 (the menu se-
quence), and on the right side of the screenshot you can see a Select one or more au-
dio files (File Open) dialog. Notice that the left.wav file shows what its raw (original)
data footprint is (113 KB).
We can use this original data footprint as a baseline to see how many times we re-
duce the data footprint (it will eventually be 8.8 times smaller, once we are done) dur-
ing this optimization process we are about to embark on.
When you click on the Open button and open a file for the first time in Audacity
you'll get a Warning dialog, which is shown in Figure 15-4 . This will advise you that
you can make a copy of your original file for use in your editing session, instead of us-
ing the original. This is what is called “non-destructive” editing in the multimedia in-
dustry, and is always a very good idea, since it essentially provides you with a back-up
file (the original), as part of the work process.
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