Game Development Reference
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Figure 14-24 . Instantiate an iPV0 PropV object, add it to the root Scene Graph, and add it to a CurrentCast List<Act-
Finally, let's add a PropB object into the scene, so that I can show you how your
tileable image can be flipped (mirrored) around both the X and the Y axes at the same
time. We'll follow our naming convention, naming the PropB object iPB0. The instan-
tiation statement, which can be seen in Figure 14-25 , should look like the following
Java code:
iPB0 = new PropB ("M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z", 0, 0, iP0 );
Figure 14-25 . Instantiate an iPB0 PropB object, add it to the root Scene Graph, and add it to a CurrentCast List<Act-
Next, let's add the ImageView Node for the iPB0 PropB object into the Scene
Graph root object. This is done using a .getChildren().add() method chain. This refer-
ences a spriteFrame ImageView object, which is inside of the iPB0 PropB object, us-
ing dot notation. This is done using the following Java statement, which is also shown
in Figure 14-25 :
root .getChildren().add( iPB0.spriteFrame );
Finally, we'll use the .addCurrentCast() method that we created in Chapter 10 to
add this iPB0 PropB object to a CURRENT_CAST List<Actor> ArrayList<Actor>
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