Game Development Reference
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Figure 13-7 . Duplicate the nested if-else statement in .isLeft() structure, so InvinciBagel character runs both direc-
The next thing that we'll need to is to add some Java code to control the running
speed of your InvinciBagel sprite. We will do this using two Integer variables: one to
serve as a framecounter and the other to hold the running speed value, which we can
change later on based on our vX (velocity along the X axis) variable to get a realistic
match between the speed the run cycle is animating at and the speed the sprite is being
moved across the screen.
Controlling Run Cycle Speed: Setting Up Your Anima-
tion Throttle Program Logic
In order to be able to “throttle” our run cycle sprite animation to achieve different
speeds, we need to introduce a “counter” variable called framecounter , which will
count up to a certain number of frames before we change a false (sprite cel 1) animator
value to true (sprite cel 2). We will also use a runningspeed variable, so that our anim-
ation speed is not hard-coded, and exists in a variable that we can change later on. This
allows us to have fine-tuned control over the speed (realism) of this run-cycle anima-
tion. Declare these two Integer (int) variables at the top of the class and ini-
tialize the framecounter variable to zero and set the runningspeed variable to a value of
6. Since both the false (!animator) and true (animator) second-level if() structures will
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