Game Development Reference
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Figure 12-12 . Make all of the variable declarations after the iBagel Bagel object declaration use private access con-
Next, we will get back into our class, and the .update() method, and start
to refine (and organize) that code into more logical methods, so that our .update()
method becomes more of a “top-level” method, that calls lower-level method “Java
code blocks” that implement things such as key event processing, character movement,
screen boundaries, sprite Image state, and so on.
This will allow us to put a more complex “workload” on the Bagel character's .up-
date() method by calling logical methods such as .setXYLocation() , .moveInvinciBa-
gel() , and .setBoundaries() , and later on during this topic, .setImageState() , .check-
ForCollision() and .playAudioClip() for example. In this way, your .update() method
calls other methods containing logical code blocks. This keeps your Java code well or-
ganized and makes programming logic easier to visualize.
Organizing the .update() Method:
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