Game Development Reference
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super .stop();
As Figure 7-13 reveals, the GamePlayLoop class code is error free, and you can
now write the code in the InvinciBagel class that starts the GamePlayLoop Anima-
tionTimer object so that you can see pulse objects when you profile the application.
Figure 7-13 . Adding .start() and .stop() methods to the GamePlayLoop class and using the Java super keyword prop-
You will need to call this .start() method off the GamePlayLoop object named
gamePlayLoop , using the new .start() method that you just created. Click the Invin- tab, shown in Figure 7-14 , and add a line of code below the
GamePlayLoop object instantiation, calling the .start() method off the GamePlayLoop
object named gamePlayLoop, as follows:
gamePlayLoop. start ();
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