Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
One of the most powerful tools you have to make your game highly professional and
desirable to buyers is the multimedia production software that you downloaded and in-
stalled back in Chapter 1 . Before I go any further, I need to spend some time providing
you with foundational knowledge regarding four primary types of new media assets
that are supported in Java 8, using the JavaFX 8 multimedia engine: digital images ,
used for sprites, background imagery, and 2D animation; vector shapes , used in 2D il-
lustration, collision detection, 3D objects, paths, and curves; digital audio , used for
sound effects, narration, and background music; and digital video , used in games for
animated background loops (birds flying through the sky, drifting clouds, and so on)
once highly optimized. As illustrated in Figure 5-1 , these four major genres, or areas,
are all installed via the JavaFX Scene Graph, using packages that I described in
Chapter 4 . Some of the primary classes that will be used are ImageView , AudioClip ,
Media , MediaView , MediaPlayer , Line , Arc , Path , Circle, Rectangle , Box , Sphere ,
Cylinder , Shape3D , Mesh, and MeshView .
Figure 5-1 . How new media assets are implemented, using Scene Graph through the JavaFX API in Java 8 via
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