Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
game as you work through this topic, starting in the next chapter, when I explain how
to use the JavaFX Scene Builder visual editing tool in NetBeans.
Then, you dove deep into some of the key JavaFX packages and subpackages for
game design, such as Application, Scene, Shape, Effect, Layout,
Control, Media, Image, Stage, Animation, Geometry, Event,
and Concurrent , and their package classes and subclasses and even, in some
cases, their interfaces, nested classes, and constants.
You even took a break to add some code to your InvinciBagel application that
turned it into a windowless application and learned how to make the stage,
scene, and stackPane background plates transparent, using alpha channels and
hexadecimal #00000000 or Color.TRANSPARENT, Background.EMPTY, and
SceneStyle.TRANSPARENT constants. I had to get some work with the NetBeans IDE
8.0, Java 8 programming language, and JavaFX API into this chapter somehow!
In the next chapter, you are going to explore the JavaFX Scene Builder, which
makes it easy to construct the Scene Graph structures that you learned about in this
chapter. You will start to build your game splash screen as well, as I know you are
eager to get started on a game infrastructure, even if it is just a splash screen!
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