Game Development Reference
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On the right-hand side of the equals sign, you have an evaluated expression , for
instance, “x is equal to 3,” followed by a question mark and then two numeric values
that are separated from each other, using the colon , and, finally, a semicolon to ter-
minate the conditional operator statement. If you wanted to set a variable y to a value
of 25 if x is equal to 3 , and to 10 if x is not equal to 3, you would write that conditional
operator programming statement by using the following Java programming logic:
y = (x == 3) ? 25 : 10 ;
Next, you are going to look at Java logic control structures that leverage the operat-
ors you just learned about.
ing or Loops
As you have just seen, many of the Java operators can have a fairly complex structure
and provide a lot of processing power, using very few characters of Java programming
logic. Java also has several more complicated conditional control structures, which
can automatically make decisions or perform repetitive tasks for you, once you have
set up the conditions for those decisions or task repetitions by coding the Java logic
control structure.
In this section, you will first explore decision-making control structures, such as the
Java switch-case structure and the if-else structure. Then, you will take a look at Java's
looping control structures, including for , while , and do-while .
Decision-Making Control Structures: Switch-Case and
Some of the most powerful Java logic control structures allow you to define decisions
that you want your program logic to make for you as the application is running. One
such structure offers a case-by-case, “flat” decision matrix; the other has a cascading (if
this, do this; if not, do this; if not, do this; and so on) type of structure that evaluates
things in the order in which you want them examined.
Let's start by looking at the Java switch statement, which uses the Java switch
keyword and an expression at the top of this decision tree and then uses the Java case
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