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Table functions and pivot tables - tablefunc
This is an extension that allows you to return tables with multiple lines. It provides useful
functions for working with pivot tables. It is used to cross-refer values of two variables.
In the following example, you will create a sales table with the columns year, month, and
value. Then you will use this data to make a crosstab by monthly sales.
First, you will install the tablefunc extension and insert some sales:
$ heroku pg:psql --app your-app-name
CREATE TABLE sales (year integer, month integer, value
INSERT INTO sales (year, month, value) VALUES (2013, 1,
INSERT INTO sales (year, month, value) VALUES (2014, 3,
INSERT INTO sales (year, month, value) VALUES (2014, 4,
INSERT INTO sales (year, month, value) VALUES (2015, 2,
Finally, you will use the functions crosstab and generate_series to create a pivot
table between month and the sales value in each year:
SELECT * FROM crosstab(
'SELECT year, month, value FROM sales',
'SELECT month FROM generate_series(1, 4) month'
AS (
year integer,
"Jan" float,
"Feb" float,
"Mar" float,
"Apr" float
year | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr
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