Database Reference
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Case-insensitive text - citext
This data type is very useful for working with queries where the data is case insensitive.
You can use this feature with an implementation to facilitate your searches, such as search-
ing for products on an e-commerce website.
For you to understand, the data type text is generally used, but it is case sensitive. For ex-
ample, suppose you have a table with the column username and an index to avoid duplicate
$ heroku pg:psql -app your-app-name
CREATE TABLE students (username text NOT NULL);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_username_on_students ON students
Next, you'll insert some student names:
INSERT INTO students (username) VALUES ('patrick');
INSERT INTO students (username) VALUES ('PATRICK');
In the preceding example, two records were created; as the data type text is case sensit-
ive, so the values ' patrick ' and ' PATRICK ' are different. This is the problem that exten-
sion citext resolves, it allows you to define case insensitive data.
After that, you'll switch to use the citext extension:
ALTER TABLE students ALTER COLUMN username TYPE citext;
DROP INDEX unique_username_on_students;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_username_on_students ON students
Finally, if you try to repeat the inserts, you'll have an error:
INSERT INTO students (username) VALUES ('patrick');
INSERT INTO students (username) VALUES ('PATRICK');
# ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
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