Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Self-test questions
Answer true or false.
1. Are logs important information source for identifying problems in your database?
2. Does the heroku logs command only show database logs?
3. Is the Postgres process necessary to filter the database logs?
4. Is Logplex a feature that allows a unified view of logs?
5. Can errors be divided into three common categories: LOG, FATAL, and PGError?
6. Is there an error that informs users if the query is taking more than 2 seconds?
7. Do the plans in the Hobby tier offer many limitations?
8. Should you always be careful about processes that use the same connection with
the database?
9. Can you view important information about database metrics through the heroku
logs command using the heroku-postgres filter?
10. Is the metrics data log with sample# information just examples?
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