Hardware Reference
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Use the Position on screen options to select where you want the Dock to appear,
such as the Left side of the screen ( changes to ).
D Your Mac Pro moves the Dock to the new position.
Click the Minimize windows using and then click the effect you want your Mac
Pro to use when you minimize a window: Genie effect or Scale effect .
Is there an easier method I can use to control some of these preferen-
Yes, you can control these preferences directly from the Dock. To set the Dock size, click
and drag the Dock divider left or right. For the other preferences, right-click the Dock di-
vider. Click Turn Magnification On to enable the magnification feature; click Turn Magni-
fication Off to disable this feature. To change the Dock position, click Position on Screen
and then click Left , Bottom , or Right . To set the minimize effect, click Minimize Using
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