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hypertext links from page to page. When he or she arrives at a web page
with multiple links, the surfer randomly chooses one of the links. We can
now attempt to calculate the importance of each page by counting how many
times the random surfer visits each site. To avoid the problem of buckets -
cycles where the surfer can go around forever - Page and Brin introduced a
“teleportation” probability. At each page the surfer visits, there is a chance
that he or she does not follow one of the links from the page but instead
jumps to an entirely new web page chosen at random. The surfer then uses
this page as a new starting point for continued surfing. In addition, to avoid
the problem of the surfer getting stuck in a so-called dangling node , a page
with no outgoing web links, Page and Brin also allowed the surfer to jump to
a random new page from such nodes. We can simulate the action of the ran-
dom surfer on a network of web links and find out which pages the surfer vis-
its most often. The importance score calculated in this way takes into account
both the number of hyperlinks pointing to a web page and the authority of
the linking web page. The method works in the presence of link cycles and
dangling nodes and is able to deliver meaningful and stable values for each
page's importance.
Figure 11.22a shows a network of eleven web pages and their associ-
ated links. A computer simulation of the random surfer algorithm gives the
PageRank score shown in Figure 11.22b . In practice, the computation of the
PageRank score is not done by performing a computer simulation of the surf-
er's travels. Instead, the problem can be formulated as solving a mathematical
problem involving sparse matrices . A matrix is an array of numbers or symbols
arranged in rows and columns, and sparse just means that the matrix has many
elements that are zero. The matrices concerned are huge, with many billions
of rows, but fortunately fast computational methods exist that can be used to
find the PageRank scores.
Armed with the PageRank algorithm, by early 1997 Page had developed
a prototype search engine that he called “BackRub” because it analyzed the
incoming or “back” links to web pages to calculate a page's importance. While
other searches relied on the content and structure indexes, BackRub added the
dimension of importance to rank pages in order of likely relevance. By the end
of the year, Page and his officemate at Stanford, Sean Anderson, were brain-
storming for a new name for the search engine. They decided on the name
Google, thinking the word google meant a very large number. Page registered the same evening only to find out next day that the word they
were thinking of was spelled googol , meaning the number 1 followed by one
hundred zeros. With their search engine now being used by Stanford students
and faculty, Page and Brin needed to beg and borrow as many computers as
they could to keep up with both the growth of users and that of the web. Page's
dorm room became the first Google data center, crammed with inexpensive
PCs ( Fig. 11.23 ). Today Google has data centers around the world that run hun-
dreds of thousands of servers ( Fig. 11.24 ).
Having demonstrated the superiority of a search engine using the PageRank
algorithm to calculate a web page's importance, Page and Brin tried to inter-
est AltaVista in buying the rights to their system. Paul Flaherty, one of the
originators of the AltaVista search engine, was impressed with their link-based
approach to page ranking. Nevertheless, Flaherty came back to them saying
Fig. 11.22. (a) An example of a set of web
pages - nodes - showing the hypertext
links connecting the different pages with
the direction of each link marked by an
arrow. Web page A is known as a dan-
gling node because this has no outgoing
links. Pages B and C are said to form a
bucket , a reachable strongly connected
pair of pages with no outgoing links to
the rest of the pages of the graph. (b)
The importance of each page can be
calculated using the PageRank algorithm.
For this graph we have calculated the
importance of each page using the ran-
dom surfer method although in practice
other methods are used. The scores have
been normalized to add up to 100. Page
C receives just one link but this is from
the most important page. Page C ends
up being more important than page
E - which receives more links but all but
one from pages G, H, M, L, and I, which
all have no incoming links and therefore
have the minimum importance.
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