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we do not have to try all the choices to find the right solution. As we can see
from the fact that it is easy to check whether or not we have a correct solution,
this nondeterministic method can find the solution in polynomial time. This is
why these problems are called NP - since there is a nondeterministic polyno-
mial solution.
The second property of NP-complete problems is perhaps the most remark-
able. No one has been able to prove that there does not exist a polynomial time
algorithm for any of these problems. What the designation complete signifies is
that if a polynomial time solution were found for one of these problems, then
there would be a polynomial time algorithm for all of them! How does this
come about? Let us look at another path-finding problem, one that does not
involve distances. If we are given a graph consisting of points and edges, can
we find a path that passes through all the points exactly once? Such a path is
called a Hamiltonian path , after the great Irish mathematician William Hamilton.
Figure 5.18a shows a Hamiltonian path through five nodes. This problem also
turns out to be intractable and NP-complete. Curiously, if we want a path that
goes through all the edges exactly once - called an Eulerian path , as in Euler's
solution to the Bridges of Königsberg problem - the situation is very different.
Euler found a polynomial time algorithm for this problem in 1736!
As we have said, the complete in NP-complete signifies that all the prob-
lems stand or fall together. Either all NP-complete problems are tractable or
none of them are. The concept that is used to establish this is to show that
there is a polynomial time algorithm that reduces one NP-complete problem
to another. We can see how this works by reducing the Hamiltonian path
problem to the traveling salesman problem. In Figure 5.18a we have a graph
with five nodes and we have highlighted the Hamiltonian path for this graph.
We can construct a traveling salesman network from this graph by using the
same nodes, but also drawing additional edges connecting every two nodes
as in Figure 5.18b . We assign cost 1 to an edge if it was originally present and
cost 2 for each new edge we have added. The new graph has a traveling sales-
man shortest path of length 6 units - in general N + 1 where N is the number
of nodes in the graph - if the original graph had a Hamiltonian path. Thus
the answer to whether or not there is a tour no longer than N + 1 is the same
as asking whether or not the graph contains a Hamiltonian path. Since the
B.5.7. Steven Cook received the
Turing Award in 1982 for his con-
tribution to algorithmic complex-
ity research.
Fig. 5.18. (a) The Hamiltonian path
(in bold) connecting five nodes goes
through each node exactly once. (b) The
Hamiltonian path problem can be con-
verted into a TSP by adding extra edges
as described in the text. The traveling
salesman tour is shown in bold. (Figure
courtesy of David Harel.)
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