Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
1. White E. Closing the gap on plant underperformance: A Review and calibration of AWS
Truewind's energy estimation methods,” USA: AWS Truepower: July 2009.
2. Johnson C, Tindal A, Harman K, Graves A, Hassan G, Validation of energy predictions
by comparison to actual production. In: AWEA Windpower 2008 Conference, June 2008,
Houston, Texas.
3. Brower MC, Robinson NM, Hale E. Wind flow modeling uncertainty: quantification and
application to monitoring strategies and project design. USA: AWS Truepower; 2010. Avail-
able at http://www.awsopenwind.org/downloads/documentation/ModelingUncertaintyPublic.
pdf. (Accessed 2012).
4. Katic I, Højstrup J, Jensen NO. A simple model for cluster efficiency. In: Proceedings of
European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition; Rome; 1986. pp. 407-410.
5. Ainslie JF. Calculating the flowfield in the wake of wind turbines. J Wind Eng Ind Aerodyn
6. Frandsen ST, Barthelmie RJ, Pryor SC, Rathmann O, Larsen S, Højstrup J, Thøgersen
M. Analytical modeling of wind speed deficit in large offshore wind farms. Wind Energy
7. Frandsen ST. Turbulence and turbulence-generated structural loading in wind turbine clus-
ters. Report Risø-R-1188(EN). Risø National Laboratory; Jan 2007.
8. Wolfe J. Deep array wake loss in large onshore wind farms (a model validation). Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma, USA: AWEA Wind Resource Assessment Workshop 2010. Available at
publications/20100818.AWEA.DeepArray.Wolfe.pdf. (Accessed 2012).
9. Brower MC, Robinson NM. The openWind deep-array wake model: development and vali-
dation. USA: AWS Truepower; 2010. Available at http://www.awsopenwind.org/downloads/
documentation/DAWM_WhitePaper.pdf. (Accessed 2012).
10. Bernadett DW, Backcast KB. Verifying the accuracy of energy and uncertainty estimates.
USA: AWS Truepower; May 2012.
Ainslie JF. Calculating the flowfield in the wake of wind turbines. J Wind Eng Ind Aerodyn
Frandsen ST, Barthelmie RJ, Pryor SC, Rathmann O, Larsen S, Højstrup J, Thøgersen M.
Analytical modeling of wind speed deficit in large offshore wind farms. Wind Energy
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61400-1, Wind turbines—Part 1: Design
Requirements (Third Edition: 2005-08). (IEC publications can be purchased or downloaded
from http://webstore.iec.ch/.)
Katic I, Højstrup J, Jensen NO. A simple model for cluster efficiency. In: Proceedings of
European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition; Rome; 1986. pp. 407-410.
Robinson NM. openWind theoretical basis and validation, AWS Truepower; 2010. Available
at http://www.awsopenwind.org/downloads/documentation/OpenWindTheoryAndValidation.
pdf. (Accessed 2012).
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