Travel Reference
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te dije
I told you
le dije
I told (him/her/you)
Les dije
I told (them/you all)
Gustar- to like
The verb 'gustar- to like' is conjugated in a different way. The reason for this is that when
you say, 'I like' in Spanish, you are actually saying 'it is pleasing to me.' Below, I will out-
line the ways to use gustar with different people.
A mí -- me gusta ... -- I like…
A ti -- te gusta … -- You like…
A él -- le gusta … -- He likes…
A ella -- le gusta … -- She likes…
A nosotros/as -- nos gusta … -- We like...
A vosotros/as -- os gusta … -- You (plural) like...
A ellos/as -- les gusta … -- They like...
A Uds. -- les gusta… -- You all like…
It is not necessary to say the first two words ( A mí, a tí, etc. ) you can just
say me gusta, te gusta, etc.
I like to read. =
Me gusta leer
Useful verbs/words I use throughout this topic
¿Quisieras…? = Would you like…?
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