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They, you all
Ellos (masculine), Ellas (feminine), Us-
tedes (Uds.)
¡Ojo! Nosotras is used when it is a group of only females, Nosotros is for only males or a
group of mixed gender. The same goes for Ellas/Ellas and Vosotros/Vosotras.
Spanish has more verb changes. The verb 'hablar' (to talk) changes 6 times in the present
tense. I talk (hablo) you talk (hablas) he or she talks (habla) you all talk (hablaís) we talk
(hablamos) they or you all talk (hablan). These are called conjugations. For this reason,
Spanish also uses personal pronouns much less as I just mentioned. Later in this chapter, I
will provide a list of the verb conjugations of the most used verbs in Spanish.
Adjectives describe a noun. The adjectives in Spanish must agree with the gender (feminine
or masculine) and the number (singular or plural).
El cuadern o blanc o = The white notebook
Las sill as amarill as = The yellow chairs
Adverbs describe an adjective or a verb. Most of the time, to make an adjective an adverb
in Spanish, you take the feminine, singular form and add 'mente' to the end of it. Most ad-
verbs end in 'mente' in Spanish just like most end in 'ly' in English. If an adjective stays
the same in the feminine and masculine form, then you just add 'mente.' Such as 'recently.'
The adjective is 'reciente' in both masculine and feminine forms, so it changes to 'reciente-
mente' to become an adverb. Of course not all adverbs will end in 'mente' just like not all
adverbs in English end in 'ly'.
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