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renderMode : 1 , //Choose of RenderMode: 0(default), 1(Canvas only), 2(WebGL only)
tag : 'gameCanvas' , //the dom element to run Cocos2d on
engineDir : '../Cocos2d/' ,
appFiles : [
'src/GameLayer.js' ,
'src/GameMaps.js' ,
"src/Monster.js" ,
"src/Tower.js" ,
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
When you create your own JavaScript files for the game, remember to add them into the appFiles array.
Similarly, you have to define all of your resources in resources.js and then preload them (see Listings 24-5A and
24-5B). Remember to add resources.js and other new JavaScript files into the appFiles array.
Listing 24-5A. Adding Background Tile Maps to the Resources Preloading Array in resources.js
var s_DtMapsTmx = "res/DtMaps.tmx" ;
var s_DtMapsImage = "res/DtMaps.png" ;
var g_resources = [
{ src : s_DtMapsImage } ,
{ src : s_DtMapsTmx }
] ;
Listing 24-5B. applicationDidFinishLaunching Function Preloads Resources in main.js
applicationDidFinishLaunching : function ( ) {
//load resources
cc. LoaderScene.preload ( g_resources , function ( ) {
director. replaceScene ( new this.startScene ( ) ) ;
} , this ) ;
return true ;
The g_resouces will be preloaded when the engine executes the applicationDidFinishLaunching() function in
main.js .
After preloading, the engine will call this.startScene() to launch the game. this.startScene is an operator
and member of the class cocos2dApp . It will set the start scene SytemMenuScene to this.startScene in the ctor()
function, which is your game main menu. Next, take a look at launching code on the last line of the main.js file.
The game will be launched after executing this code.
var myApp = new cocos2dApp(SystemMenuScene);
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