HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Express is a
node.js web application framework. It deals with the server-side routing and
HTML generation.
AngularJS is a client-side web application framework. It handles client-side routing and HTML
Clone deep copies objects.
Underscore allows object merging, among many other useful functions.
Fabric.js provides a scene-graph library on top of HTML5 Canvas.
NTPClient lets the clients and the server agree on a common time.
Next, let's cover the files at a high level. First, the server files:
server/app.js contains the main server loop and event handlers for client events.
server/GameManager.js handles spawning/releasing games and registering players to games.
Now, the client files:
public/js/main.js initializes the network engine that is the entry point for FrightCycle .
common/ai.js offers some simple logic for artificial intelligence (AI) players. Note that the AI
players do not use the network engine and are queried for commands at every tick.
common/game.js is the main loop for the client code. It drives the game, network, input, and
rendering engines.
common/geometry.js holds several functions specific to the FrightCycle game logic.
common/globals.js contains many important constants and global parameters.
common/input.js provides code for converting player key presses to in-game commands.
common/network.js is the interface between client and server.
common/renderer.js has the rendering engine.
Before diving into the code, let's run the game. First, you need the code. You can download a snapshot of the
code from the Source Code/Download area of the Apress web site ( ) , or open a shell, and enter
the following command for the most recent copy:
git clone
Next, you have to compile the client-side code into a single bundle with Browserify. To do this, enter the
JSRealtimeNetworking directory, and run the following command:
node build.js
This creates a file called bundle.js in the public/js folder. The bundle.js file contains the entire client-side source
code for the project and is referenced by the playgame HTML fragment, which is in server/views/playgame.ejs :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:ng=" ">
<script src="js/bundle.js"></script>
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