Biology Reference
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Figure 6.13 Thestructureofcryptophycin1andtheproposedbiosynthesis.Theactual
agents. The biosynthesis of cryptophycin 1 has been studied using feed-
ing experiments that served to identify the biosynthetic gene cluster in
Nostoc sp. ATCC 53789 ( Magarvey et al., 2006 ). The crp cluster consists
of eight genes with four genes coding for PKSs and NRPSs ( Fig. 6.14 ).
The biosynthesis probably starts with the PKS CrpA although, like for
microcystin biosynthesis, there are some doubts concerning the identity
of the real starter ( Fig. 6.13 ). The chain is then elongated on the CrpB, C
and D synthases and the last TE domain performs the macrocyclization.
Then, tailoring enzymes, like the epoxidase and the halogenase, modify
the molecule to give cryptophycin 1. Some steps have been reconsti-
tuted in vitro and the isolated enzymes have been used to prepare cryp-
tophycin in a chemoenzymatic way ( Ding, Seufert, Beck, & Sherman,
2008 , 2011 ).
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