Travel Reference
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The tendency of Americans is to smile all the time. In
America, it makes us appear friendly and reasonable. The
French do not trust a smile. If they can see no apparent reason
for it, it appears idiotic (very unreasonable) or hypocritical,
a very unpleasant thing to a French person.
This is not to say that the French dislike Americans. Politics
aside, they tend to enjoy watching Americans displaying their
enthusiasm so baldly. They just haven't had the nerve to do
it themselves. But that is changing.
During the last Presidential election, in 2007, both
candidates used their winning smiles to gain votes.
Immediately thereafter I began to see more cheery, smiling
faces on the serious French television talk programs. It is just
an old taboo that kept government ofi cials straight-faced,
along with anyone else who wanted to be taken seriously.
As a Californian, I tend to smile nearly automatically. I
look better and I feel better when I smile. In France, I have
to remind myself to keep a reserved composure as I walk
down the stunning tree-lined streets, or gaze at yet another
magical storefront window. Often, I forget, and I'm probably
tagged immediately as an American.
Smile when you feel like it, but do be aware of one
important point. If a stranger on the street of the opposite
sex smiles and looks at you, it is a pick up. He just gave you
“The Look” and your smile and return glance just gave him
the “green light” so he can now make an approach. And you
have no one to blame but yourself. Of course, you can laugh
at a wolf whistle when passing a construction site. Just be
sure you don't turn your head and try to make eye contact
with whoever did it.
The French love to smile and love having a good reason
to do so. Always smile at people with whom you are doing
business, and as your French allows, never hesitate to make
a pleasant comment or a kind joke.
The Reverse Kiss
The French make a 'poof' sound, at the same time blowing
air out of their mouth and protracting their lips. That means
'it's nothing', either negative or positive, depending on the
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