Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
There are more than 70 million visitors to France each year,
more than the entire population of the country. So the French
are used to tourists. It may take you a little time to establish
your uniqueness as the French have a few stereotypes of
their own.
The French Canadians
The French embrace emotionally, if not economically,
a large group of former colonies. If you are French Canadian,
your accent will open the way to a warm, brotherly welcome.
You are part of that global French family that it has been their
mission to civilise.
If you are French Canadian,
your accent will give you away,
straightaway, but you will still
be welcomed. Just remember
that while you are part of that
global French family, you are
still undergoing their civilising
mission. For the English-
speaking Canadians it will be
the same. You all get special
treatment, but neither of you
speak the language properly.
Tolerance for
The French take pride in
extending asylum to all those with
radical ideas found unpopular
elsewhere. Both the Ayatollah
Khomeini and the Shah of Iran
have been welcomed in France
during their bouts of unpopularity
at home. While France is a
conservative country, she is
highly tolerant of extremes.
The Americans from the USA
An American from the USA, as opposed to a Canadian, is
different. No, he is not disliked by the French, contrary to
the conclusion to which so many Americans jump. Even with
the French opposition to the recent war in Iraq, most French
people like Americans.
Americans are often considered conformist by the French,
yet the French young emulate our dress code (running shoes,
blue jeans and backpacks). American tourists generally eat
too much, talk too loudy and dress sloppily.
Being an American myself, I can't see my own weaknesses
well, but I am certainly quite sensitive to those of my
countrymen. To the French, Americans are naive (easy
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