Travel Reference
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Don't make a compliment just to be polite, but do
comment on things that please you.
Don't open a closed door without knocking first. But don't
wait long for a reply before entering. A knock warns that
'I'm coming in' in France.
Don't follow your host around his house. Stay where you
have been put until invited to come elsewhere. Especially
stay out of the kitchen and don't even pour yourself a
drink, unless invited to do so.
Don't rush to eat your food as soon as it is put in front
of you. Stop to admire the presentation and make
comments on that and the experience as you slowly savour
your meal.
In a restaurant, don't call out ' Garçon ', snap your fingers
or clap your hands for service. The French don't respond
favourably to such treatment. (Would you?)
France has a new “no-smoking” law that seems to be
working. (It is actually a law upholding the already existing
law.) So you will find restaurants “smoke-free” now, though
you find the occasional die-hard still smoking at the bar.
You will now find more smokers sitting outside, however,
where they can still smoke. So be careful where you sit
if you don't want cigarette smoke in your nose while
you eat.
Don't bring your own wine to a restaurant. If nothing on
their wine list pleases you, go somewhere else.
Don't ask for a 'doggy bag' as French food is meant to
be eaten as soon as it is prepared. (Dogs, though, are
usually welcome.)
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