Travel Reference
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French Film: C'est du cinéma
The French have an idiom, C'est du cinéma , which loosely
translates to: 'That's not real', or 'It's unbelievable'. While it
is reassuring to know that the French distinguish between
fantasy and reality, the signii cance of le cinéma and les
cinéastes (i lm makers) is profound.
The French are absolutely gaga about les i lms . Both
Pariscope and L'Ofi ciel , the competing weekly schedules for
Paris i lms, can be found in nearly everyone's pocket. There
are literally hundreds of i lms showing at any one time in
Paris and English language i lms are often shown in V.O.
( version originale ) which means the original language with
French subtitles.
As an art form, i lm is not SO far behind gastronomy
in the hearts of the French. The cinéastes work with
natural ingredients: people, places, feelings, things, colours,
textures to create a grand artii ce, which the French consumes
as if it were as real as pastry, as tangible as life.
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