Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
13. Hartmann V, Beucke K, Shapir K, König M (2012) Model-based scheduling for construction
planning. In: Proceedings of the XIVth international conference on computing in civil and buil-
ding engineering, Moscow
14. Benevolenskiy A, Katranuschkov P, Scherer RJ (2011) Ontology-based configuration of con-
struction processes using process patterns. In: Proceedings of the 2011 EG-IC workshop, July
6-8, Enschede, The Netherlands
15. Adachi Y (2002) Overview of partial model query language - VTT-TEC-ADA-12. SECOM
Co, Ltd/VTT building and transport. Accessed December 23, 2012.
16. König M, Habenicht I, Koch C, Spieckermann S (2012) Intelligent BIM-based construction
scheduling using discrete event simulation. In: Proceedings of the 2012 winter simulation con-
ference, Berlin
17. Tauscher E, Mikulakova E, König M, Beucke K (2007) Generating construction schedules with
case-based reasoning support. In: ASCE international workshop on computing in civil enginee-
ring, Pittsburgh
18. König M (2004) Ein Prozessmodell für die kooperative Gebäudeplanung. Dissertation, Shaker
Ve r l a g
19. Tulke J (2010) Kollaborative Terminplanung auf Basis von Bauwerksinformationsmodellen.
Dissertation, Verlag der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
20. Marx A, Erlemann K, König M (2010) Simulation of construction processes considering spa-
tial constraints of crane operations. In: Proceedings of the XIIIth international conference on
computing in civil and building engineering, Nottingham
21. Borrmann A, Rank E (2009) Specification and implementation of directional operators in a 3D
spatial query language for building information models. Adv Eng Inform 23(1):32-44
22. Kog F, Scherer RJ, Dikbas A (2012) Petri Net based verification of BPMN represented confi-
gured construction processes. In: Gudnason G, Scherer R (Hrsg) eWork and eBusiness in archi-
tecture, engineering and construction, European conference on product and process modelling
2012. CRC Press/Balkema, Boca Raton/Rotterdam, ISBN 978-0415621281
23. Aamodt A, Plaza E (1994) Case-based reasoning - foundational issues, methodological variati-
ons and system approaches. AI Commun 7(1):39-59
24. Mikulakova E (2011) Wissensbasierte Bauablaufplanung mit Fallbasiertem Schließen. Disser-
tation, Verlag der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
25. Shapir K, König M (2012) Process knowledge preparation based on machine learning methods.
In: Gudnason G, Scherer R (Hrsg) eWork and eBusiness in architecture, engineering and con-
struction, European conference on product and process modelling 2012. CRC Press/Balkema,
Boca Raton/Rotterdam, S 235-241, ISBN 978-0415621281
26. Fuchs S, Kadolsky M, Scherer RJ (2011) Description of a generic multi-model. In: 20th IEEE
international workshops on enabling technologies: infrastructure for collaborative enterprises,
WETICE 2011, Paris, France
27. König M (2013) Modellierung von Ausführungsvarianten in der Bauprozessplanung. For-
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