Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 21-12. Checking for the PATH variable for the Oracle executable
The lower part of the screen shows the system variables. Scroll down the list until you see
the Path variable, as shown in Figure 21-12 .
You may want to click the edit button to see the complete path. if you want to change the path, you can do so
in this dialog box.
Managing Oracle via Management Console
You want to use the Management Console. However, it is not installed by default.
Windows provides a tool called the Management Console that allows you to control certain administrative functions
through a GUI. It is handy for performing repetitive commands fairly easily and quickly. In the console, you as the user can
create and add stand-alone console add-ins, also known as snap-ins . Oracle takes advantage of the tool and provides
a snap-in for managing Oracle Databases. However, it is not installed by default. While installing Oracle Database software,
choose a custom installation rather than an express one, and explicitly choose the Management Console for Oracle.
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