Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
You can view all available help topics by entering the following command:
ob> help topics
You can view a list of commands on a particular topic, by entering help followed by the name of the
command:ob> help class
Class definition commands:
chclass change the attributes of a user class
lsclass list the names and attributes of one or more user classes
mkclass define a user class
renclass assign a new name to a user class
rmclass remove a user class from the administrative domain
In this example, the help command displays available obtool class commands.
To find out the correct syntax for a specific command, enter help followed by the name of the command:
ob> help lssection
Usage: lssection [ --long | --short ] [ --noheader/-H ] [ --incomplete/-i ]
[ --oid/-o oid-list ]...
[ { { --vid/-v vid-list } | { --void/-V oid-list } }
[ --file/-f filenumber-list ]...]
You can get the glossary of terms for a specific topic by entering help with the topic name and the keyword
glossary , as shown here:
ob> help snapshot glossary
<filesystem-name> the logical or physical name of a file system that is
logically connected to a host
<hostname> a name of a host assigned by the user via mkhost or renhost
<numberformat> the format in which to display large numbers, one of:
friendly displays large values in "KB", "MB", ...
precise shows precise values (with commas)
plain like precise, but eschews commas
(unspecified) uses "numberformat" variable or, if
unset, "friendly"ob>
How It Works
Oracle recommends the following tools for accessing OSB.
Use OEM for managing OSB.
Use OSB Web Tool to manage file-system backups.
Use the obtool utility or OSB Web Tool to access the OSB configuration file. (Do not access the
configuration file directly through a text editor.)
The obtool command-line client includes the complete functionality of OSB. Behind the scenes, both OEM
and the Oracle Secure Backup Web Tool invoke obtool to perform their tasks. Oracle recommends that you access
configuration data through the obtool utility, or through the Oracle Secure backup web tool, which is based on the
obtool utility.
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