Agriculture Reference
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This frame fits medium supers. It has a wooden exterior support that frames an embossed
beeswax-covered sheet of plastic foundation in the center.
Beehive frames comprise narrow wooden or plastic rectangles that surround the comb.
The outside provides support and maintains the rectangular shape of the frame. Bees
build their honeycombs within the frame.
Brand-new frames start with the outside support and a sheet of what is called founda-
tion within the frame. Foundation is a sheet that is embossed with the outline of the six-
sided beeswax cells that bees build. One kind of foundation is made of pure beeswax,
complete with the embossed cell outlines. These sheets are fragile and usually have
vertical wires embedded in them for support. When assembling traditional frames with
bees-wax foundations, you frequently need to add horizontal wires for additional sup-
port. An alternative foundation is a sheet of plastic that is embossed like the beeswax
sheets. These do not need supporting wires. There are also frames made completely
of plastic. The outside support and the foundation inside are a single piece of molded
Make certain you have a screened bottom board. The one seen here has a removable tray
beneath the screen to allow monitoring for varroa mites. The tray can be either front
or rear loading. Rear is best.
An inner cover sits on top of the uppermost super but beneath the outer cover. It has an
oblong hole that allows ventilation, feeding, and escape. It has a flat side and a re-
cessed side. The notch provides an upper entrance when needed.
You can purchase unassembled wooden frames that come with beeswax or plastic
foundation sheets. Assembled wooden frames are also available and come with plastic
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