Agriculture Reference
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(4) Let the cream set in the molds for 24 hours at room temperature to cool and harden.
(5) When cool, remove the bars from the molds carefully so they aren't damaged. These
types of creams are soft.
(6) Store in a sealable plastic bag to protect the volatiles and to keep the cream moist.
Use sparingly—a little goes a long way.
Other Beauty Benefits from Your Hive and Garden
Containers of lip balm made from honey, bees-wax, and other natural ingredients offer a
fragrant cure for chapped lips.
Nancy Riopelle makes and sells lip balm from the beeswax and honey that her husband
Buzz (yes, that's his name) produces from his 100 hives each season. She sells lots of
this recipe at their local fairs and farm markets in Medina County, Ohio, each summer
and fall. This recipe makes enough lip balm to fill 100 0.15-ounce (4 g) lip-balm tubes,
or 65 1 / 3 -ounce (9 g) pots.
Nancy's Lip Balm
1 cup (225 g) shredded beeswax
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