Agriculture Reference
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You can heat wax in a pan with some water in it already. That pan sits directly in
the other pan of water being directly heated. Wax is lighter than water and will float to
the surface of the pan when it melts. When all the wax is melted ladle it out into your
receiving container. Most of the debris will settle out to the bottom of the container, and
you can scrape off any debris that was not removed.
First, to remove debris from the melted wax, pour through a sieve.
Melted wax being poured through a filter to remove remaining debris.
A pan of melted wax sitting in a water bath: Note the ring of wax cooling around the edge
of the pan. This wax is destined to be brushed on a sheet of plastic foundation.
Waxing Plastic Foundation
Place the frame close to the hot plate on the work surface, raising one end. Dip the
sponge brush in the wax and squeeze the air out. Lift the sponge, tap a few times to
release excess wax, and quickly bring the brush to the foundation in a sliding motion,
moving across the surface immediately. Most of the cell edges have wax without the
cell having wax in the bottom. Move fast enough so the wax doesn't puddle in the bot-
tom, but not so fast you don't leave any wax on the edges.
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