Graphics Reference
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class CCircleRadiusControls : public CDialog {
A1: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
B1: CSliderCtrlWithEcho m _ CircleRadiusBar; // control variable for the slider bar
BOOL m _ bSliderControl; // control variable for the check box
C1: afx _ msg void OnBnClickedControlRadiusCheck(); // service routine for the check box
. // for the ease of reading, some code is removed (e.g. constructor, etc.)
void CCircleRadiusControls::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange * pDX) {
B2: DDX _ Control(pDX, IDC _ RADIUS _ SLIDER _ BAR, m _ CircleRadiusBar);
DDX _ Check(pDX, IDC _ CONTROL _ RADIUS _ CHECK, m _ bSliderControl);
BEGIN _ MESSAGE _ MAP(CCircleRadiusControls, CDialog)
C2: ON _ BN _ CLICKED(IDC _ CONTROL _ RADIUS _ CHECK, OnBnClickedControlRadiusCheck)
BOOL CCircleRadiusControls::OnInitDialog() {
Source file.
.cpp file in the Controls folder
of the MFC _ GroupControls
B3: m _ CircleRadiusBar.Initialize(0.0f, 100.0f, 10.0f);
C3: void CCircleRadiusControls::OnBnClickedControlRadiusCheck()
Listing 2.11. The CCircleRadiusControls class (Tutorial 2.8).
class CTutorialDlg : public CDialog {
Source file.
TutorialDlg.h file in the
Header file folder of the
MFC _ GroupControls project.
CCircleRadiusControls m _ circle _ controls;
Listing 2.12. CTutorialDlg class (Tutorial 2.8).
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