Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Supports. The tutorials that
are based on this library:
Introduced in Chapter 11 (on p. 323), this library extends UWB _ D3D _ Lib11 to
support scene node selection and collision. The SceneNode class is extended to
support the building of bounding volumes. The D3DDrawHelper class is extended
to support transforming a point by the top of the matrix stack.
In this case, changes are localized to the SceneNode and WindowHandler
classes ( Figure C.15 ) . The following files are modified from the previous version
of the library:
12.1, and 12.2
Filename Purpose
Header Files folder: library header files
D3D _ Lib12.h header file for using this library
Common Files folder: API-independent files
Common Files/SceneNode folder:
SceneNode2 support bounding volume for the node
D3D Files folder: D3D-specific source files
D3D Files/D3D_DrawHelper folder:
new: transforms a point by top of matrix stack
+only changes are shown
+only changes are shown
#m_velocity : vec3
+TransformPoint (inout point : vec3) : bool
+MoveNodeByVelocity ()
+GetBounds ()
+GetNodeBounds ()
#GetNodeBoundsHelper ()
+only changes are shown
-m_pMatrixStack : ID3DXMatrixStack *
+TransformPoint (inout point : vec3) : bool
Figure C.15. UWBGL _ D3D _ Lib12 : Changes to XformInfo and DrawHelper classes.
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