Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Supports. The tutorials that
are based on this library:
Tutorials 10.9, 10.10, 10.11,
10.12, 10.13, 10.14, 11.1, and
Introduced in Chapter 10 (on p.e 276), this library presents the support for coordi-
nate systems, in particular the definition and manipulation of the world coordinate
(WC) window. The WindowHandler class is extended to support the definition
of the WC window and programming of the M w 2 n operator. The D3D subclass
D3D _ WindowHandler is also updated to reflect the changes.
Figure C.13 shows that the LoadW2NDCXform() function is defined in Window
Handler and implemented in D3D _ WindowHandler . The following files are mod-
ified from the previous version of the library:
Filename Purpose
Header Files folder: library header files
D3D _ Lib10.h header file for using this library
Common Files folder: API-independent files
Common Files/WindowHandler folder:
WindowHandler3 support definition/programming of WC window
D3D Files folder: D3D-specific source files
D3D Files/D3D_DrawHelper folder:
compute/load VIEW matrix for WC window
+only changes are shown
#m_WCWindow : UWB_BoundingBox
+only changes are shown
+LoadW 2NDCXform()
Figure C.13. UWBGL _ D3D _ Lib10 :The LoadW2NDCXform() of WindowHandler .
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