Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Supports. The tutorials that
are based on this library:
Tutorials 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.1,
9.2, 9.3, 9.4, and 9.5.
Introduced in Chapter 8 (on p. 216), this library extends UWB _ D3D _ Lib7 with the
PrimitiveRectangleXY class defined in the PrimitiveRectXY1.h/.cpp files
in the Primitives subfolder of the Common Files folder. The following files are
modified from the previous version of the library:
Filename Purpose
Header Files folder: library header files
D3D _ Lib8.h header file for using this library
Common Files folder: API-independent files
Common Files/Primitives folder:
PrimitiveRectXY1 rectangle primitive on the xy -plane
D3D Files folder: D3D-specific source files
D3D Files/D3D_DrawHelper folder:
support drawing of rectangle
So far we have only highlighted incremental changes in between libraries. For ref-
erence, and for completeness, Figure C.9, Figure C.10, and Figure C.11 illustrate
all of the classes that are in the UWB _ D3D _ Lib8 Library.
UWBGL_D3D_Lib8:: UWB_Color
UWBGL_D3D_Lib8:: UWB_PointerArray
UWBGL_D3D_Lib8:: vec3
UWBGL_D3D_Lib8:: mat4
-m_color : unsigned int
+m_bDeleteInDestructor : bool
+x : Real
+y : Real
+z : Real
-data[4][4] : Real
+operator ==()
+operator !=()
+operator +=()
+operator -=()
+operator *=()
+operator /=()
+operator []()
+operator []()
+operator +=()
+operator -=()
+operator *=()
+operator /=()
+operator +=()
+operator -=()
+operator *=()
+operator /=()
+operator []()
+operator []()
+operator +=()
+operator -=()
+operator *=()
+operator /=()
UWBGL_D3D_Lib8:: UWB_Array
+m_array : vector<T>
+operator =()
+operator []()
+operator []()
-m_previous_update_time : clock_t
UWBGL_D3D_Lib8:: eFillMode
UWBGL_D3D_Lib8:: Utility
UWBGL_D3D_Lib8:: eLevelOfDetail
UWBGL_D3D_Lib8:: eShadeMode
Figure C.9. UWBGL _ D3D _ Lib8 classes (1 of 3): Utility classes/functions.
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