Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Supports. The tutorial that is
based on this library:
Tutorial 7.1.
Introduced in Chapter 7 (on p. 163), this library presents the DrawHelper ab-
straction to separate general primitive behaviors from the API-specific graphics
drawing routines. Besides the DrawHelper abstraction, the other significant dif-
ference of this library is that the geometry abstractions (i.e., Point , Line ,and
Circle classes) are moved to the API-independent Common Files folder.
Figure C.5 highlights the new and updated classes in this library. The follow-
ing files are modified from the previous version of the library:
Filename Purpose
Header Files folder: library header files
D3D _ Lib4.h header file for using this library
Common Files folder: API-independent files
Common Files/DrawHelper folder: API-independent drawing support
DrawHelper1 virtual abstraction for API-independent drawing
Common Files/Geoms folder: abstraction of geometries
PointGeom abstraction for points
LineGeom abstraction for lines
CircleGeom abstraction for circles
D3D Files folder: D3D-specific source files
D3D Files/D3D_DrawHelper folder:
D3DDrawHelper1 D3D drawing routines for geometries
D3D Files/Geoms folder removed
All files in this folder are removed (replaced by DrawHelper )
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