Graphics Reference
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void CModel::FireArrow()
Source File.
Model _ FireArrow.cpp
// pxf is the plane's transform
the Model
D3D_Orientation project.
UWB _ XformInfo pxf = m _ PlaneNode->GetXformInfo();
// axf is the arrow's transform
UWB _ XformInfo axf = m _ ArrowNode.GetXformInfo();
// Arrow translation set to plane WC position
// Arrow orientation is plane rotation quaternion
// Update arrow scene node XformInfo
m _ ArrowNode.SetXformInfo(axf);
Listing 16.19. Compute initial transform for the arrow.
V m
forward direction of arrow
By observation, we know the arrow's original forward direction is along the neg-
ative z -axis,
V f
direction from arrow toward tiger
V o m =(
) .
We also know that at any time, the arrow's scene node rotation R a will rotate the
R a and q a .R a is the rotation
matrix of the arrow scene node
XformInfo . The correspond-
ing quaternion rotation is q a .
arrow's forward direction to
V o m R a .
For the arrow to travel forward, we simply change its translation in the V w m di-
rection. Now, we must also adjust the forward direction of the arrow to align V w m
with V f . By now we know the rotation q b ,
V w m =
where V b
V w m ×
V f ,
V b , θ b )
q b =(
V wc
V f ) ,
aligns V w m with V f . In exactly the same manner as in the teapot's case before,
θ b
q a
rotates from OC to WC
q b
rotates from WC to aim at tiger
q c
q a
q b
rotates from OC to aim at tiger
where we are interested in computing a q new that is a linear combination of the q a
and q c rotations. Listing 16.20 shows the implementation of the home-in func-
tionality. At label A, we compute V w m according to the arrow's scene node trans-
form. The code under label B is similar to that of Listing 16.13 where we must
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