Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Mesh Resource Storage Management
Recall from Listing 12.14 that we defined an array of TextureResource in the
GraphicsSystem class to support file texture mapping. Listing 16.3 shows that
in a similar fashion, an array of MeshResource and the associated mesh load-
ing function are defined (at label B) in the GraphicsSystem class. The rest of
UWBGL will access the mesh resource via the .x mesh filename by calling the
GetMeshResource() function defined at label A. If a specified mesh filename is
not found in the mesh array, loading of the file will occur automatically.
3D Mesh Primitive Objects
With the MeshResource class (Listing 16.2) and the associated storage/manage-
ment support defined in the GraphicsSystem class (Listing 16.3), we can per-
ceive a mesh file/object as just another primitive . For example, with the sup-
port of appropriately defined vertex positions, we have worked with circle as a
Primitive . In this case, we define the PrimitiveMesh class to abstract a mesh
file object as a simple mesh primitive. Listing 16.4 shows the definition of the
UWBD3D _ PrimitiveMesh class. We see a simple subclass from the Primitive
class UWBD3D _ GraphicsSystem {
public :
Source file.
uwbgl _ D3DGraphicsSystem5.h
file in the D3D Files/
// finds mesh MeshResource array
UWBD3D _ MeshResource * GetMeshResource(meshname);
private :
// MeshResources array
UWBGL _ D3D _ Lib15 project.
UWB _ PointerArray<UWBD3D _ MeshResource * >m _ mesh _ resources;
// loads if not found in array
UWBD3D _ MeshResource * FindMeshResource(mesh _ name);
. from Listing 12.14
UWB _ PointerArray<UWBD3D _ TextureResource * >m _ texture _ resources;
// file texture support
UWBD3D _ TextureResource * FindTextureResource(texture _ name ...);
Listing 16.3. Array of mesh resources in UWBGL .
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