Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
UWBGL Camera Implementation
Change summary. See p. 527
for a summary of changes to
the library.
This is our first library that supports 3D interaction. The major changes in the
library include two new classes:
UWB _ Camera . To support camera and viewing frustum.
UWB _ PrimitiveAxisFrame . To support drawing of an orthonormal basis.
and modifications to
UWB _ WindowHandler and UWBD3D _ WindowHandler . To support working
with the new UWB _ Camera class.
UWB _ XformInfo . To support rotation in 3D.
The details of the UWB _ Camera and WindowHandler classes will be explained
over the next few tutorials in this chapter. Here is an overview of these two
classes. Listing 15.3 shows that the new UWB _ Camera class has three major groups
class UWB _ Camera {
public :
A: Setting the camera and matrix processors: to be discussed in Tutorial 15.1
void SetCameraParameters( const vec3 & pos, const vec3 &at, const vec3 &up);
void SetViewFrustumInDegree( float fov, float n, float f);
B: Drawing the camera: to be discussed in Tutorial 15.3
the Common Files/
void Draw( eLevelOfDetail lod, UWB _ DrawHelper& draw _ helper ) const ;
C: Manipulating the camera with mouse: to be discussed in Tutorial 15.3
void BeginMouseRotate( int x, int y);
void BeginMouseTrack( int x, int y);
void BeginMouseZoom( int x);
protected :
UWBGL _ D3D _ Lib14 project.
vec3 m _ CameraPos, m _ LookAt, m _ UpVector;
// parameters for the camera
float m _ ViewFOV, m _ ViewNearPlane, m _ ViewFarPlane;
// parameters for the view frustum
Listing 15.3. The UWB _ Camera class of Lib14.
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