Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
void CModel::DrawModel() {
Source file. Model.cpp file
in the Model folder of the
D3D _ SimpleTexture project.
// user has selected texture mapping
if (m _ EnableTexture && (m _ pTexture != NULL))
// Enable graphics API texture mapping
pDevice->SetTextureStageState(... D3DTOP _ SELECTARG1);
// Select a current texture map
pDevice->SetTexture(0, m _ pTexture);
// slider bars transformation setting
m _ xform.SetUpModelStack(draw _ helper);
// either draw the circle
if (dt _ circle==m _ DrawType) DrawUnitCircle( pDevice );
// or draw the square
else DrawUnitSquare( pDevice );
// Switch off texture when done
if (m _ EnableTexture && (m _ pTexture != NULL))
// Disable graphics API texture mapping
pDevice->SetTextureStageState(... D3DTOP _ DISABLE);
// Set curren texture map to NULL
pDevice->SetTexture(0, NULL);
Listing 12.11. Drawing with file texture.
allocated versions. At label C, we see the utility function that, given a valid path
to an image file, properly loads the m _ pTexture structure into the D3D pDevice .
Listing 12.11 shows that to draw with the loaded texture, we must enable the
texture-mapping functionality and define how to use the texel values (at label
A). At label B, we set up the WORLD matrix processor to support user-specified
transformations. At label C, either the circle or square will be drawn. At label
D, to ensure the proper rendering state, texture-mapping functionality is switched
off after the primitive is drawn.
This tutorial shows us that we can switch texture mapping on/off at any point
before/after drawing primitives. This means that in our primitive hierarchy, we
can define texture mapping as a per-primitive attribute and control the texturing
of each primitive independently.
UWBGL_D3D_Lib13 Support for File Texture
Change summary. See p. 525
for a summary of changes to
the library.
As pointed out in Section 12.3.5 and demonstrated in Tutorial 12.4, the important
three steps in programming with file texture mapping are as follows.
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