Graphics Reference
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class CModel {
Source file. Model.h/cpp
files in the Model folder of the
D3D _ SimpleArm project.
UWB _ PrimitiveRectangle m _ Arm; // Rectangle R a 0
UWB _ PrimitiveCircle m _ Palm; // Circle C p 0
// Transformation operator: M a = T ( P a ) S a R a T ( P a ) T a
UWB _ XformInfo m _ ArmXform;
void DrawModel(); // To draw the arm ( R a 0 and C p 0 )
void CModel::DrawModel() {
// Initialize top of matrix stack ( M t = I 4 )
m _ DrawHelper.InitializeModelTransform();
// Push the matrix stack
m _ DrawHelper.PushModelTransform();
// M t 1 = M a M t and then M W = M t 1
m _ ArmXform.SetUpModelStack(m _ DrawHelper);
// Draw the two triangles in R a 0
m _ Arm.Draw(lod, m _ DrawHelper);
// Draw the triangle Fan of C p 0
m _ Palm.Draw(lod, m _ DrawHelper);
// Pop off the top of the matrix stack
m _ DrawHelper.PopModelTransform();
Listing 11.1. The CModel class of Tutorial 11.1.
Listing 11.1 shows that in our implementation, we follow Figure 11.1 and de-
fine the R a 0 rectangle and C p 0 circle (at label A). In addition, we define the
m _ ArmXform (at label B), an XformInfo object, to implement
( θ )
) .
M a
P a
S a
s x
s y
R a
P a
T a
t x
t y
Through interacting with the slider bars, the user sets the m _ ArmXform object to
control the translation
the simple arm. During DrawModel() , at label C, we initialize the top of the
matrix stack ( M t ) to identity (with the InitializeModelTransform() function
t x ,
t y )
and pivoted ( P a ) rotation
( θ )
and scaling
s x ,
s y )
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