Graphics Reference
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B: for ( int i=0; i<count; i++)
UWB _ Primitive * pTestPrimitive = m _ AllPrimitives.PrimitiveAt(i);
const UWB _ BoundingVolume * pTestBV = pTestPrimitive->GetBoundingVolume(lod);
for ( int j=i+1; j<count; j++)
UWB _ Primitive * pOtherPrimitive = m _ AllPrimitives.PrimitiveAt(j);
const UWB _ BoundingVolume * pOtherBV = pOtherPrimitive->GetBoundingVolume(lod);
if (pOtherBV && pTestBV->Intersects( * pOtherBV))
pTestPrimitive->CollisionResponse(pOtherPrimitive, pOtherBV->GetCenter());
pOtherPrimitive->CollisionResponse(pTestPrimitive, pTestBV->GetCenter());
C: m _ AllPrimitives.Update(elapsed _ seconds);
Source file. Model.cpp file
the Model
D3D _ ObjectCollections
void CModel::DrawModel()
m _ AllPrimitives.Draw( lod, m _ DrawHelper);
if (m _ bShowBoundingVolumes)
m _ AllPrimitives.DrawChildBoundingVolumes(lod, &m _ DrawHelper, color);
Listing 7.24. (cont.)
Tutorial 7.5.
Project Name:
D3D _ BallShoot2
Library Support:
UWBGL _ MFC _ Lib1
UWBGL _ D3D _ Lib7
Tutorial 7.5. Re-implementing the Ball-Shooting Program
Figure 7.13 is a screenshot of running Tutorial 7.5. This tutorial re-implements
the ball-shooting program based on the new library ( UWB _ D3D _ Lib7 ). We modify
Tutorial 7.4 such that the GUI front end resembles that of the ball-shooting pro-
gram, and in this case we only support the creation of the CBall (a subclass of
PrimitiveCircle ) primitive type. The CModel of the source code is very simi-
lar to Tutorial 7.4. When comparing the core implementation of our application
state ( CModel ) to that from Tutorial 5.6, we see a more general solution (we can
support shooting/colliding of any primitives) with fewer details (all collisions and
mathematics are hidden in class implementations).
Figure 7.13.
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