Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Applying to Real-World
We have seen that the event-driven programming model is well-suited for design-
ing and implementing programs that interact with users. In addition, we have seen
that the model-view-controller (MVC) framework is a convenient and powerful
structure for organizing functional modules in an interactive graphics application.
In developing a solution to the ball-shooting program, we have demonstrated that
knowledge from event-driven programming helps us design the controller com-
ponent (e.g., handling of mouse events), computer graphics knowledge helps us
design the view component (e.g., transformation and drawing of circles), whereas
the model component is highly dependent upon the specific application (e.g., free-
falling and colliding circles). Our discussion so far has been based on a very sim-
ple example. We will now explore the applicability of the MVC framework and
its implementation in real-world applications.
Figure 6.1 shows how we can apply our knowledge in analyzing and gaining in-
sights into Microsoft PowerPoint, 1
a popular interactive graphics application. A
1 Powerpoint is a registered trademark of Microsoft.
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