Graphics Reference
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class CDrawAndMouseHandler : public UWBD3D _ WindowHandler {
Source file.
DrawAndMouseHandler.h in
the WindowHandler folder of
the D3D _ MouseInput project.
Identical to CDrawOnlyHandler from Tutorial 5.1
bool Initialize(CDialog& parent _ dlg, int control _ id);
void DrawGraphics();
UWBMFC _ UIWindow m _ window;
Override from UWB_WindowHandler to implement Listing 5.13
void OnMouseButton( bool down, unsigned int nFlags, int hwX, int hwY);
void OnMouseMove( unsigned int nFlags, int hwX, int hwY);
// down - TRUE (mouse button when down) or FALSE (mouse button went up)
// nFlags - Which buttons (e.g. left, right, center, etc.)
// hwX / hwY - Mouse Position (in hardware coordinate where upper-left is origin)
Listing 5.14. CDrawAndMouseHandler class (Tutorial 5.2).
void CDrawAndMouseHandler::OnMouseButton( bool down, unsigned int nFlags, int hwX, int hwY)
Transforms origin from the upper left to the lower left corner
HardwareToDevice(hwX, hwY, deviceX, deviceY); // hardware to device coordinate
Left Mouse Button Down: this is condition A: of Listing 5.13.
if (nFlags & MK _ LBUTTON)
if (down) theApp.GetModel().CreateCircleAt(deviceX, deviceY);
Right Mouse Button Down: this is condition C: of Listing 5.13.
Source file.
in the WindowHandler folder
if (nFlags & MK _ RBUTTON)
if (down) theApp.GetModel().MoveCirceTo(deviceX, deviceY);
void CDrawAndMouseHandler::OnMouseMove( unsigned int nFlags, int hwX, int hwY)
HardwareToDevice(hwX, hwY, deviceX, deviceY); // hardware to device coordinate
Left Mouse Button Down: this is condition B: of Listing 5.13.
if (nFlags & MK _ LBUTTON)
theApp.GetModel().ResizeCircle(deviceX, deviceY);
Left Mouse Button Down: this is condition D: of Listing 5.13.
if (nFlags & MK _ RBUTTON)
theApp.GetModel().MoveCirceTo(deviceX, deviceY);
D3D _ MouseInput
Listing 5.15. CDrawAndMouseHandler mouse event services (Tutorial 5.2).
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