Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Master It Name the part of the example model in this chapter that was used to show
how a material can appear to glow.
Solution Light bulb material.
Control your render quality. AutoCAD offers a few features to give you some control over
the quality of your rendering. The default rendering settings allow you to view your render-
ing at a level good enough to gauge how it will look.
Master It Name the two features discussed in this chapter that allow you to control the
quality of your renderings.
Solution The Renderquality setting and the Properties Inspector palette.
Print your renderings. You can save your rendered views as bitmap files using the Render
window. If you prefer, you can also have AutoCAD include a rendering in a layout. You can
include different renderings of the same file in a single layout.
Master It Give a general description of the process for setting up a rendered viewport
in a layout.
Solution Create a viewport, and then set up the view you want for the viewport using
the 3D Views menu in the viewport controls. Select the viewport's border, right-click, and
select a Shade Plot menu option.
Chapter 22: Editing and Visualizing 3D Solids
Understand solid modeling. Solid modeling lets you build 3D models by creating and join-
ing 3D shapes called solids. There are several built-in solid shapes called primitives, and you
can create others using the Extrude tool.
Master It Name some of the built-in solid primitives available in AutoCAD.
Solution Box, wedge, cone, sphere, cylinder, pyramid, torus, and polysolid.
Create solid forms. You can use Boolean operations to sculpt 3D solids into the shape you
want. Two solids can be joined to form a more complex one, or you can remove one solid
from another.
Master It Name the three Boolean operations you can use on solids.
Solution Intersection, subtraction, and union.
Create complex solids. Besides the primitives, you can create your own shapes based on
2D polylines.
Master It Name three tools that let you convert closed polylines and circles into
3D solids.
Solution Extrude, Revolve, and Sweep.
Edit solids. Once you've created a solid, you can make changes to it using the solid-editing
tools offered on the Solids - Edit tool group or the Modify Solid Editing submenu on the
menu bar.
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