Graphics Programs Reference
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Create odd-shaped viewports. Most of the time, you'll probably use rectangular viewports,
but you have the option to create a viewport of any shape.
Master It Describe the process for creating a circular viewport.
Solution In Paper Space, draw a circle. Next, choose View Viewports Object from
the menu bar.
Understand line weights, linetypes, and dimensions in Paper Space. You can get an accu-
rate view of how your drawing will look on paper by making a few adjustments to AutoCAD.
Your layout view will reflect how your drawing will look when printed.
Master It Name the dialog box used to adjust line weights and how you would access it.
Solution The Lineweight Settings dialog box. You can access it by typing LW ↵ or via
the Lineweight drop-down list in the Layers palette.
Chapter 16: Making “Smart” Drawings with
Parametric Tools
Use parametric drawing tools. Parametric drawing tools enable you to create an assembly
of objects that are linked to each other based on geometric or dimensional properties. With
the parametric drawing tools, you can create a drawing that automatically adjusts the size of
all its components when you change a single dimension.
Master It Name two examples given in the beginning of the chapter of a mechanical
assembly that can be shown using parametric drawing tools.
Solution The examples are a crankshaft and piston and a Luxo lamp.
Connect objects with geometric constraints. You can link objects together so that they
maintain a particular orientation to each other.
Master It Name at least six of the geometric constraints available in AutoCAD.
Solution The constraints are coincident, collinear, concentric, fix, parallel, perpendicu-
lar, horizontal, vertical, tangent, smooth, symmetric, and equal.
Control sizes with dimensional constraints. Dimensional constraints, in conjunction with
geometric constraints, let you apply dimensions to an assembly of objects to control the size
of the assembly.
Master It Name at least four dimensional constraints.
Solution The dimensional constraints are linear, horizontal, vertical, aligned, radius,
diameter, and angular.
Put constraints to use. Constraints can be used in a variety of ways to simulate the behav-
ior of real objects.
Master It Name at least three geometric or dimensional constraints used in the piston.
dwg file to help simulate the motion of a piston and crankshaft.
Solution The geometric constraints used were horizontal, parallel, fix, and coincident.
The dimensional constraints used were horizontal, vertical, aligned, and diameter.
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